Fill Sensor

Fill sensors for waste bin managers / operators.


  1. Fill Alerts (Bin sensors are billed based on “pay per use” [“use” being alerts communicated to bin operator]).
  2. Fill Sensors that are comprehensively managed, maintained, replaced and maintained by DaTeSe.
  3. GPS coordinate of bin operators’ bins
  4. Control Panel with data on:
  • Fill level
  • Last Collection
  • Map View
  • Total Waste Generation
  • Collection Frequency
  • Inefficient Collection Frequency
  • Overflow Volume
  • Overflow Frequency

Installing a sensor

DaTeSe Fill Sensors control panel.png



Cities can combat littering with our interactive, game-inspired disposal system – It Inspires a more positive relationship between individuals and their environments. Our gamified disposal programs provide a unique way for municipalities to reposition the act of properly disposing of waste.

By adding an extra layer of engagement to the disposal process, our initiative keeps individuals from falling into bad habits and complacency.

Most importantly, our gamified system aligns the individual consumer with the cause at hand, encouraging them to take ownership of the issue.

process for waste disposal game.png


Our interactive game synchronises with the live sensors in the field for gamers to enjoy a real-time scenario.


  • Bin operators “bins” are placed on a real-time map in the mobile app.
  • The character attempts to dispose of trash in the bins whilst going round mapped neighborhood streets.
  • Bins condition: full, half or empty is indicated by colour codes.
  • The character runs along the mapped streets of their neighborhood disposing of trash in the empty or half full bins.
  • The actual bins sensors supplied by MyFamily Mobile interact with the app bins showing if full, half or empty, in real-time.
  • There are obstacles to disposing trash along the way.
Game snapshots.png

Live street map overlay

Enter your coordinates and experience the game in your preferred neighbourhood.