Amigo is a talent recruiting platform connecting employers, talent, and colleges in one place.
There are two types of opportunities at Amigo
Lets Get Paid opportunities are for paid jobs you or your company want to fill. There are two further categories to choose from. They are:
Work - Unlike research below these are roles you or your organisation need resources for which do not require data management and data entry skills. If your job does not require any of the skills mentioned below please use this link. These might involve but are not restricted to:
Market and Population Research
Abstract Writing
Poster Design
Research - These are roles relating to research work you or your organisation need resources for. Skill levels for such roles include ability to handle:
Data Collection
Data Entry
Data Analysis (Epi- entry)
Outreach Programs
Data Entry (SPSS).
Data Analysis (SPSS)
Its Worth It opportunities are for unpaid jobs you or your company want to fill. There are two further categories to choose from. They are:
Opportunities - If you or your organisation have openings for the below-mentioned this is for you. This is ideal for the private sector.
Skills acquisition .
Volunteer - These are for local and international Non governmental organizations seeking skilled resources for well defined positions.
Use the downloadable manual available from pressing the above button to commence set-up and posting of opportunities | jobs.
Once you register by completing the SET-UP FORM below you will be sent your Amigo Credentials by email. You can start posting job opportunities at 3,500 Staters flat fee per posting. The aforementioned manual explains how to go about posting opportunities.